Notes made on this video: GCSE (J277) 1.1 Von Neumann architecture
• Von Neumann designed computers that stored programs.
• Key characteristics are: CPU, CU, ALU, and an Internal Cache and Clock.
• Each instruction is stored with an address in memory.
• The CPU fetches the instruction from memory, decodes it, and executes it.
• PC holds the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched. It is incremented by one after each instruction.
• MAR holds the address of the memory location to be accessed.
• MDR holds the data that has been fetched from memory.
• The Accumulator is a register that stores the results of calculations.
• The program counter is checked as it holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
• This address is sent to the MAR.
• The address in the PC is then incremented by one to point to the next instruction.
• The instruction is in the CU, which decodes it.
• The CU sends the instruction to the ALU, which executes it.